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28/10/2015 14:00

Worldwide preview of two boostHEAT boilers at Interclima-Batimat trade show

October 28, 2015

boostHEAT, a French energy efficiency manufacturer, will attend the Interclima trade show organized as part of Batimat 2015 at the Paris-Nord Villepinte exhibition center from November 2-6, 2015.

At the trade show, the company will offer a worldwide preview of two of its first-generation efficient and eco-friendly renewable energy thermodynamic boilers, which will be showcased at the boostHEAT stand (Hall 1 - Aisle D - Stand 113) and its partner GrDF's stand (Hall 1 - Aisle D - Stand 133).

Thanks to an innovative and patented thermal compressor, the new renewable energy thermodynamic boilers combine natural gas, renewable energy, comfort and environmental protection, as well as generating considerable energy savings due to their thermal efficiency of up to 200%[1].

Designed to produce heat and domestic hot water, this innovation is fully self-sufficient during spells of extreme cold and remains highly efficient when required to deliver high heating temperatures. Hot water can be delivered at a high temperature and strong flow.

In October 2015, boostHEAT jointly obtained the gold medal with GrDF at the Mondial du Bâtiment 2015 innovation awards in the “systems using renewable energies” category.

These boostHEAT boilers are currently undergoing qualification and certification with a view to European market launch in 2017.

A propos de boostHEAT
Acteur industriel français de l'efficacité énergétique, boostHEAT développe et industrialise une nouvelle génération de chaudières thermodynamiques pour la production de chauffage, d'eau chaude sanitaire et de climatisation à destination du logement individuel, collectif et tertiaire.
Basée sur une technologie brevetée de compression thermique, la gamme d'équipements développée par boostHEAT permettra d'apporter au gaz naturel un rendement thermique allant jusqu'à 200%.
boostHEAT agit en entreprise responsable en intégrant dans ses chaudières thermodynamiques une part d'énergie renouvelable réduisant ainsi la production de gaz à effet de serre.

Jean-Michel Marmillon
Relations Presse – 01 53 67 36 73

[1] under A7W35 standard reference conditions

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