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BOOSTHEAT wins Innovation Prize under the future Investment Program

Lyon, February 27, 2019

Spearheading the new energy era, BOOSTHEAT has been selected as one of the winners of the innovation competition organized as part of the French government’s Grand Investment Plan, for its BOOSTHEAT.20 solution, the most energy-efficient boiler in the world. This valuable recognition will help the company strengthen its development plan and step up its sales operations.

Le grand plan d'investissement

The Innovation Competition, which is funded via the French government’s Grand plan d’investissement and organized by ADEME, Bpifrance and FranceAgriMer, aims to support innovative projects created by start-ups and SMEs in nine different categories. The competition is designed to accelerate the emergence of companies destined to become global leaders in their industry. As part of a competitive procedure, it selects innovation projects with particularly strong potential for the French economy, helping to co-fund research, development and innovation projects with total costs between €600,000 and €5 million.

ADEME rewarded BOOSTHEAT in the building performance category on the merits of the BOOSTHEAT.20 boiler.

BOOSTHEAT CEO Luc Jacquet explained: « We are extremely proud of our Innovation Competition award. It is a strong sign of support and recognition for our technology, the fruit of eight years’ R&D, but above all for our ambition to give everyone the chance to play an active part in the new energy era ».

BOOSTHEAT.20, the most energy-efficient boiler in the world

Today, 45% of the energy consumed in France is consumed by buildings (ADEME), while heating and domestic hot water are the main energy expenditure items for French households. BOOSTHEAT has designed, developed and manufactured its boiler in order to sustainably reduce household energy consumption and help consumers contribute towards energy transition. BOOSTHEAT.20, the world's most energy-efficient boiler BOOSTHEAT.20 was developed by combining state-of-the-art heat pump and condensing boiler technology with the BOOSTHEAT thermal compressor (patented innovation).

  • Efficient: The most efficient boiler in its class.
  • Eco-friendly: BOOSTHEAT.20 consumes up to half as much energy and reduces CO2 emissions by the same amount.
  • Sustainable: Manufactured in France, the BOOSTHEAT.20 carries a 10-year warranty covering parts and labor*. Its patented technology, the thermal compressor, is frictionless making it virtually wear-free.
  • Profitable: The price of the boiler is recuperated via the savings it generates.

Through this innovative technology, the company gives responsible consumers the chance to make a tangible, meaningful and affordable contribution towards the new energy era.

Besides technology considerations, BOOSTHEAT is a strong ambassador for the French Fab label thanks to a boiler designed, developed and produced in France at its manufacturing plant in Vénissieux. The company also encourages partnerships and component sourcing in the local region, nationwide and across Europe. This ambition is bolstered by its geographical location, as the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is a vibrant hub for the HVAC industry.
Finally, BOOSTHEAT offers its short circuit boiler directly to retail customers, who benefit from simplified procedures, a single contact and a standard quality of service. The innovation competition is specifically designed to accelerate this final phase.


Founded in 2011, BOOSTHEAT designs, develops, produces and markets heating solutions that are technologically advanced, energy-efficient and sustainable. BOOSTHEAT’s new-generation boilers feature a patented thermal compressor, enabling them to achieve efficiency of up to 200% and reducing energy consumption by up to half. They are more environmentally friendly and economical, giving all users the opportunity to achieve an immediate and significant reduction in their environmental impact. BOOSTHEAT has its head office and manufacturing plant in Vénissieux, near Lyon (historically an HVAC* industrial zone). The Company holds the Innovative Company (BpiFrance) and French Fab labels. BOOSTHEAT is listed on Euronext à Paris, Compartment C (ISIN : FR0011814938).

*Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning